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Wiki de escândalos forex

wiki de escândalos Forex
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A sede do Bank Negara Malásia em Kuala Lumpur, 30 de março de 2018. O escândalo cambial do BNM é um dos maiores da história da Malásia. - Foto de Yusof Mat Isa KUALA LUMPUR, 22 de junho - Mais de duas décadas após a sua primeira emergência, uma Comissão Real de Inquérito (RCI) está finalmente sendo criada para investigar o escândalo cambial do Banco Negara Malásia (BNM).
Observou-se que as perdas da negociação forex do BNM, que supostamente mais de US $ 10 bilhões (RM25 bilhões), ocorreram entre 1987 e 1992, quando a taxa de câmbio ainda estava entre RM2.3 e RM2.5 para o dólar dos EUA.
Em uma entrevista com New Straits Times em janeiro deste ano, o ex-governador adjunto do BNM, Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid, disse que a causa de tais perdas colossais foi porque não havia controle e que "ninguém sabia o que estava acontecendo".
O governador do BNM na época, o falecido Tan Sri Jaafar Hussein, renunciou após o escândalo e foi culpado por isso, mas após as revelações de Murad, o vice-ministro do Interior, Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, disse que seu sogro tinha sido um bode expiatório para "outros ".
O escândalo, entre os maiores da história da Malásia, ocorreu durante a administração de Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
De acordo com um relatório da Reuters do período, o BNM em 1989 tornou-se cada vez mais agressivo em sua negociação cambial, supostamente para estabilizar o ringgit.
Dois anos depois, tornou-se a "força dominante" no mercado cambial global, gastando quantidades entre cinco e 10 vezes a norma para os bancos centrais e nas frequências diárias em comparação com o punhado de vezes que outros bancos centrais se aventuraram em tais transações.
Ao mesmo tempo, o bilionário americano George Soros também era um comerciante de moeda ativo e estava especulando sobre a libra britânica, de forma semelhante ao BNM.
Mas ambos tiveram previsões diferentes: Soros apostou que a libra caísse, enquanto os comerciantes do BNM acreditavam que seria apreciado.
No final, Soros previu com precisão, ganhando um relatório de US $ 1 bilhão em um dia e a inimizade ao longo da vida do Dr. Mahathir, que agora só começou a diminuir.
A extensão das perdas do BNM nunca foi totalmente estabelecida.
Na época, Tun Daim Zainuddin - um confidente do Dr. Mahathir - era ministro das Finanças (1984-1991), enquanto Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop era o vice-governador do BNM.
O ex-vice-primeiro-ministro Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim assumiu o cargo de ministro das Finanças em 1991, mas negou o envolvimento nas decisões do BNM que levaram às supostas perdas.
Anwar disse que só sabia sobre as perdas em 1992, quando ele estava no exterior. Em uma declaração em abril, Anwar disse que o problema foi conhecido pela primeira vez através de notícias internacionais e do mercado de Zurique no final de 1991 e no início de 1992.
Em 1993, o veterano líder da DAP, Lim Kit Siang, foi o primeiro a levantar o assunto no Parlamento, alegando que as perdas com o BNM foram de aproximadamente RM30 bilhões.
Lim continuou a escrever um livro intitulado The Bank Negara RM30 Billion Forex Losses Scandal sobre o assunto e fez chamadas regulares para um RCI para investigar o caso.
Em fevereiro, o Gabinete formou uma força-tarefa especial para investigar as alegações de Murad, que culminou com o anúncio de ontem de que um RCi será convocado para investigar.

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Cronograma: escândalo de reparação da libação.
Escândalo Libor.
Libor, a taxa de empréstimo interbancária de Londres, é considerada uma das taxas de juros mais cruciais nas finanças.
Ele sustenta trilhões de libras em empréstimos e contratos financeiros.
Assim, quando o Barclays foi multado em £ 290 milhões em junho do ano passado, depois de alguns de seus comerciantes de derivativos terem tentado armar esta taxa chave, a fraca confiança do público nos bancos foi prejudicada.
O escândalo levou à demissão do presidente executivo da Barclays, Bob Diamond, e do presidente Marcus Agius.
Aqui estão algumas das datas-chave no escândalo:
Já em 2005, havia evidências de que o Barclays tentara manipular as taxas de dólar Libor e Euribor (a taxa do euro da Libor) a pedido de seus comerciantes de derivativos e outros bancos.
A falta de conduta foi generalizada, envolvendo funcionários em Nova York, Londres e Tóquio, bem como comerciantes externos.
Entre janeiro de 2005 e junho de 2009, os comerciantes de derivados da Barclays fizeram um total de 257 pedidos para consertar as taxas Libor e Euribor, de acordo com um relatório da FSA.
Um comerciante do Barclays disse a um comerciante de outro banco em relação ao libor de três meses Libor: "duuuude". O que é com os seus amigos 34,5 3m corrigem. Diga-lhe para levantar isso! & quot ;.
No início da crise financeira em setembro de 2007 com o colapso do Northern Rock, as preocupações com liquidez atraíram o escrutínio público para Libor. A Barclays manipulou os envios da Libor para dar uma imagem mais saudável da qualidade de crédito do banco e sua capacidade de arrecadar fundos. Uma submissão menor desviaria as preocupações de que teve problemas para emprestar dinheiro aos mercados.
Barclays & # 039; As inscrições da Libor estavam no extremo superior da gama de bancos contribuintes e levaram a especulação de mídia sobre a imagem verdadeira do perfil de risco e crédito do banco.
Gerentes de tesouraria sênior instruiu os autores para reduzir a Libor para evitar publicidade negativa, dizendo que Barclays não deveria "enfiar a cabeça acima do parapeito", de acordo com o relatório da FSA.
Desde já no dia 28 de agosto, o Fed de Nova York disse que recebeu e-mails de distribuição em massa que sugeriam que os lançamentos da Libor estavam sendo pouco estabelecidos pelos bancos.
Em 28 de novembro, um apresentador sênior da Barclays escreveu em um e-mail interno que "Libors não está refletindo o verdadeiro custo do dinheiro", de acordo com a FSA.
Em dezembro, um oficial de conformidade da Barclays entrou em contato com o grupo de lobby bancário britânico British Bankers & # 039; Associação (BBA) e a FSA e descreveu "ações problemáticas" por outros bancos, dizendo que eles pareciam estar subestimando seus envios da Libor, de acordo com o regulador norte-americano da Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
Em 6 de dezembro, um oficial de conformidade da Barclays entrou em contato com a FSA, de acordo com o relatório da FSA, para expressar preocupação sobre as taxas da Libor sendo submetidas por outros bancos, mas não informou a FSA de que suas próprias inscrições estavam incorretas, em vez disso dizendo que elas eram "quot dentro de um intervalo razoável.
A FSA disse que o mesmo oficial de conformidade disse à gerência sênior da Barclays que ele disse à FSA que "nós sempre fomos o provedor de taxas mais elevado (ou um dos mais altos) nas últimas semanas, mas estamos justificadamente relutantes em ir maior dada a nossa experiência na mídia recente ", e que a FSA" concordou que a abordagem que adotamos parece sensível nas circunstâncias ".
No início de dezembro, o CFTC disse que o funcionário da Barclays responsável por enviar as taxas Libor do dólar do banco contatou-se para reclamar que o Barclays não estava definindo "honesto" taxas.
O funcionário enviou um email ao seu supervisor sobre suas preocupações, dizendo: "A minha preocupação é que nós (tanto o Barclays quanto o painel do contribuinte banle) estão sendo vistos como contribuindo com falsas taxas falsas.
"Estamos, portanto, sendo desonesto por definição e corremos o risco de prejudicar nossa reputação no mercado e com os reguladores. Podemos discutir urgentemente por favor? & Quot;
Em 6 de dezembro, um oficial de conformidade da Barclays entrou em contato com a FSA sobre preocupações sobre os níveis que outros bancos estavam estabelecendo sua taxa Libor dos EUA. Isto foi feito depois que um apresentador sinalizou o cumprimento de sua preocupação com o relatório incorreto da taxa. O Compliance informou a FSA que "nós sempre fomos o provedor de taxas mais altos (ou um dos mais altos) nas últimas semanas, mas estamos justificadamente relutantes em ir mais alto, dada a nossa recente experiência em mídia".
He also reported that the FSA "agreed that the approach we've been adopting seems sensible in the circumstances, so I suggest we maintain status quo for now".
On 11 April a New York Fed official queried a Barclays employee in detail as to the extent of problems with Libor reporting. The Barclays employee explained that Barclays was underreporting its rate to avoid the stigma associated with being an outlier with respect to its Libor submissions, relative to other participating banks.
Around this time, according to the CFTC, a senior Barclays treasury manager informed the BBA in a phone call that Barclays had not been reporting accurately. But he defended the bank, saying it was not the worst offender: "We're clean, but we're dirty-clean, rather than clean-clean."
Bank of England emails 2008.
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"No one's clean-clean," the BBA representative responded.
According to the FSA, following the Wall Street Journal report, Barclays received communications from the BBA expressing concern about the accuracy of its Libor submissions. The BBA said if the media reports were true, it was unacceptable.
On 17 April, a manager made comments in a call to the FSA that Barclays had been understating its Libor submissions: "We did stick our head above the parapet last year, got it shot off, and put it back down again. So, to the extent that, um, the Libors have been understated, are we guilty of being part of the pack? You could say we are. Um, so I would, I would sort of express us maybe as not clean clean, but clean in principle."
In late April officials from the New York Federal Reserve Bank - which oversees the banks in New York - met to determine what steps might be taken to address the problems with Libor, and notified other US agencies.
On 6 May the New York Fed briefed senior officials from the US Treasury in detail, and thereafter sent a further report on problems with Libor.
The New York Fed officials also met with BBA officials to express their concerns and establish in greater depth the flaws in the Libor-setting process.
On 29 May, Barclays agreed internally to tell the media that the bank had always quoted accurate and fair Libors and had acted "in defiance of the market" rather than submitting incorrect rates, according to the FSA.
In early June, Tim Geithner, who was the head of the New York Fed at the time, sent Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King, a list of proposals to to try to tackle Libor's credibility problem.
They included the need "to eliminate the incentive to misreport" by protecting the identity of the banks that submitted the highest and lowest rates.
Sir Mervyn and Mr Geithner, now US Treasury Secretary, had discussed the matter at a central bankers' gathering a few days earlier.
Shortly afterwards, Sir Mervyn confirmed to Mr Geithner that he had passed the New York Fed's recommendations onto the BBA soon afterwards.
US concerns about Libor.
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Spring: The BBA prepares a review of Libor, later described by the Bank of England's deputy governor Paul Tucker as "tremendously important because of the eroding credibility of Libor". The Bank wanted Libor to reflect actual rates, not subjective submissions. Mr Tucker rang the banks stressing the review should be carried out by senior representatives, not the junior people normally sent to sit on the BBA committee.
On 10 June , the BBA published a consultation paper seeking comments about proposals to modify Libor. "The BBA proposes to explore options for avoiding the stigma whilst maintaining transparency," disse. Barclays contributed comments but avoided mentioning its own rate submissions.
On 5 August, the BBA published a feedback statement on its consultation paper, and concluded that the existing process for submissions would be retained.
In September, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the Bank of England had a conversation with a senior Barclays official, in which the Bank raised questions about Barclays' liquidity position and its relatively high Libor submissions.
Bob Diamond's notes of phone conversation with Paul Tucker.
Emailed to then-chief executive John Varley on 30/10/2008. Copied to Jerry del Missier.
Date: 29 October 2008.
Further to our last call, Mr Tucker reiterated that he had received calls from a number of senior figures within Whitehall to question why Barclays was always toward the top end of the Libor pricing. His response was "you have to pay what you have to pay". I asked if he could relay the reality, that not all banks were providing quotes at the levels that represented real transactions, his response "oh, that would be worse".
I explained again our market rate driven policy and that it had recently meant that we appeared in the top quartile and on occasion the top decile of the pricing. Equally I noted that we continued to see others in the market posting rates at levels that were not representative of where they would actually undertake business. This latter point has on occasion pushed us higher than would otherwise appear to be the case. In fact, we are not having to "pay up" for money at all.
Mr Tucker stated the levels of calls he was receiving from Whitehall were "senior" and that while he was certain we did not need advice, that it did not always need to be the case that we appeared as high as we have recently.
On 13 October, the UK government announces plans to pump billions of pounds of taxpayers' money into three major banks, effectively part-nationalising Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Lloyds TSB and HBOS.
A week later, on 21 and 22 October, Paul Tucker and senior government official Sir Jeremy Heywood discussed why Libor in the UK was not falling as fast as in the US, despite government action. Sir Jeremy also asked why Barclays' borrowing costs were so high. "A lot of speculation in the market over what they are up to," he says in an email.
In subsequent evidence to the Treasury Select Committee Mr Tucker later suggests there was widespread concern at this time that Barclays was "next in line" for emergency government help. He was in regular contact with Bob Diamond, emails show.
On 24 October a Barclays employee tells a New York Fed official in a telephone call that the Libor rate is "absolute rubbish".
On 29 October Paul Tucker and Bob Diamond - head of Barclays' investment bank at the time - speak on the phone. According to Mr Diamond's account of the conversation, emailed to colleagues the next day, Mr Tucker said senior Whitehall officials wanted to know why Barclays was "always at the top end of Libor pricing".
According to the Barclays chief executive, Mr Tucker said the rates "did not always need to be the case that we appeared as high as we have recently". Mr Tucker later said that gave the "wrong impression" of their conversation and said he did not encourage Barclays to manipulate its Libor submissions.
Following this discussion with the Bank of England, Barclays instructed Libor submitters to lower the rate to be "within the pack".
On 17 November, the BBA issued a draft document about how Libor rates should be set and required banks to have their rate submission procedures audited as part of compliance. The final paper would be circulated on 16 July 2009.
On 2 November the BBA circulated guidelines for all contributor banks on setting Libor rates in the same manner. Barclays made no changes to its systems to take account of the BBA guidelines.
In December Barclays started to improve its systems and controls but ignored the BBA's guidelines. Until 2009 the bank did not have a formal Chinese wall between the derivatives team and the submitters.
In June , Barclays circulated an email to submitters that set out "fundamental rules" that required them, for example, to report to compliance any attempts to influence Libor submissions either externally or internally. It also prohibited communication with external traders "that could be be seen as an attempt to agree on or impact Libor levels".
In late 2018, Royal Bank of Scotland sacked four people for their alleged roles in the Libor-fixing scandal.
On 27 June, Barclays admitted to misconduct. The UK's FSA imposed a £59.5m penalty. The US Department of Justice and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) imposed fines worth £102m and £128m respectively, forcing Barclays to pay a total of around £290m.
On 29 June, chief executive Bob Diamond said he would attend a Commons Treasury Select Committee and that the bank would co-operate with authorities. However, he insisted he would not resign.
The same day, Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King called for a "cultural change", adding: "The idea that one can base the future calculation of Libor on the idea that 'my word is my Libor' is now dead." He said implementing the Vickers banking reforms was the most important first step, but ruled out a Leveson-style inquiry into the banks.
On 2 July, Barclays chairman Marcus Agius resigned and also tendered his resignation as chairman of the BBA. Mr Diamond said in a letter to staff that he would "get to the bottom" of what happened.
Prime Minister David Cameron announced a parliamentary review of the banking sector, to be headed by the chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, Andrew Tyrie. The review should ensure that the UK had the "toughest and most transparent rules of any major financial sector", Mr Cameron said.
On 3 July, Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond resigned, saying that the external pressure on the bank risked "damaging the franchise".
He was followed by Barclays chief operating officer Jerry del Missier, who resigned the same day.
On 4 July, Mr Diamond faced a three-hour grilling from MPs on the Treasury Committee over the scandal, during which he described the behaviour of those responsible as "reprehensible" and said it had made him physically ill. The Committee subsequently accused him of giving evidence that fell short of its expected standards.
On 5 July , credit rating agency Moody's lowered its rating outlook on Barclays from stable to negative.
On 6 July, the Serious Fraud Office launched a criminal investigation into Libor manipulation.
Deputy governor of the Bank of England Paul Tucker gave evidence to the Treasury on 9 July , insisting he had not leant on Barclays to lower its submissions, nor had he been asked to do so by the government.
On 16 July , Barclays chief operating officer Jerry del Missier told MPs he was instructed by Diamond to lower the bank's Libor submissions. He also told them he believed the Bank of England alone instructed Barclays to lower them.
Earlier, the governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, told the Treasury Committee that UK authorities had been worried about senior management at Barclays, even before the recent Libor scandal broke. Sir Mervyn said Barclays had sailed "close to the wind" too often.
On 31 July, Deutsche Bank confirmed that a "limited number" of staff were involved in the Libor rate-rigging scandal. However, it said an internal inquiry had cleared senior management of taking part.
On 10 August, the FSA published its initial findings on what needs to be done to reform the Libor rate-setting system. The FSA's managing director, Martin Wheatley, said trust in Libor "needs to be repaired" and that the current system was no longer "viable".
On 16 August, it was announced that seven banks including Barclays, HSBC and RBS are to face legal questioning in the US. The other banks to receive the subpoenas from the attorney generals of New York and Connecticut were Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan and UBS.
On 18 August, the Treasury Committee published its report into the Libor rate-fixing scandal. The MPs blamed bank bosses for "disgraceful" behavior. They demanded changes including higher fines for firms that failed to co-operate with regulators, examination of gaps in criminal law, and a much stronger governance framework at the Bank of England. The committee also criticised the evidence of former Barclays boss Bob Diamond, saying it had been "highly selective". In response, he said he had "answered every question that was put to me truthfully, candidly and based on information available to me".
On 25 September, the British Bankers' Association (BBA), the organisation that sets the Libor rate, said it would accept losing the role. Its statement came ahead of the FSA's final report on how to reform Libor, due to be published on 28 September.
On 28 September , the FSA confirmed that the BBA would no longer administer Libor, and would be replaced by a data provider (an organisation such as Bloomberg or Reuters) or a regulated exchange. The report also said that the Libor system was broken and suggested its complete overhaul, including criminal prosecutions for those who try to manipulate it. The regulator also suggested basing Libor calculations on actual rates being used, rather than estimates currently provided by banks.
On 11 December , the UK's Serious Fraud Office said three men had been arrested in connection with its continuing investigations into Libor.
On 19 December , Swiss bank UBS is fined a total of $1.5bn (£940m) by US, UK and Swiss regulators for attempting to manipulate Libor. It agrees to pay $1.2bn in combined fines to the US Department of Justice and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, £160m to the UK's Financial Services Authority, and 59m Swiss Francs to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority.
On 10 January , the BBC's business editor, Robert Peston, discloses that RBS is in talks with UK and US regulators over the size of fines to settle the Libor investigation. He also warns that the resignation of a senior executive was possible as part of a settlement.
A week later, on 17 January , the new chief of Barclays, Antony Jenkins, tells staff to sign up to a new code of conduct - or leave the firm - as part of an attempt to ensure that scandals such as Libor-fixing never happen again.
On 25 January, a judge refuses a request from 104 senior Barclays staff for anonymity during a court case. Guardian Care Homes had accused the bank of mis-selling it an interest rate hedging product linked to Libor.
On 31 January, Deutsche Bank tells investors that it may face lawsuits related to the manipulation of Libor, as well as other recent scandals. Therefore, the bank said, it was setting aside 1bn euros to cover potential litigation.
Amid speculation that RBS was close to a Libor settlement, on 2 February the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne says that any fines imposed on the bank should be met by bankers themselves, not taxpayers.
More on This Story.
Libor scandal.
Últimas notícias.
Five cleared over Libor rate rigging.
'Mars bar could change Libor rate'
Former trader charged over Libor.
Libor change responds to scandal.
EU proposals to take control of Libor.
Can we ever trust bankers again?
Explaining the Libor saga.
Barclays scandal: Key players.
How British banking broke down.
Did anyone lose out?
How big could the scandal get?
Profile: Barclays' Bob Diamond.
Profile: Chairman Marcus Agius.
Q&A: Banking inquiry row.
Q&A: Libor rate and the regulators.
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The looting of Kenya under President Moi.
De WikiLeaks.
The breathtaking extent of corruption perpetrated by the family of the former Kenyan leader Daniel Arap Moi is revealed in a secret report which lays bare a web of shell companies, secret trusts and frontmen used to steal over two billion dollars worth of state money.
The suppressed U. K auditor's report details how Kenyan state finances were laundered across the world to buy properties and companies in London, New York and South Africa and even a 10,000 hectare ranch in Australia.
The countries involved in the corrupt dealings include Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, Finland, Germany, Grand Cayman, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Namibia, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Russia, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Switzerland, the UAE, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States and Zaire.
The intricately detailed report, commissioned by President Kibaki after his 2002 election victory but later suppressed, forensically investigates corrupt transactions and holdings by several powerful members of the Kenyan elite.
The sums are comparable in magnitude to the looting of infamous kleptocrats such as Mobutu (Zaire), Marcos (Philippines), Abacha (Nigeria), Suharto (Indonesia) and Fujimori (Peru). The leaked material is extremely politically sensitive. Ex-President Moi has become a key player in political life in Kenya, and is now an essential pillar in President Kibaki's campaign for re-election in December 2007.
Leak KTM report - on-line edition, unproofed KTM report. pdf (file info page) - authoritative original, 4Mb of scanned printed pages Verification status Verified Media contacts See Media Kit Additional media contacts Transparency International, Mars Group Kenya and kroll/ (Kroll won't comment on the record) Date August 30, 2007 (last updated September 9, 2007) By Wikileaks' staff.
I ntroduction.
In December 2002, the 24 year rule of Kenya's President Daniel Arap Moi was ended by the election victory of Mwai Kibaki. Elected on an anti-corruption platform, it was hoped that President Kibaki would end grand corruption in Kenya. In January 2003 Kibaki appointed John Githongo, formerly of Transparency International, as his personal advisor on Anti Corruption and Good Governance. [1] One of the first anti-corruption activities of Mr. Githongo on behalf of President Kibaki was to engage Kroll & Associates (UK), a private investigation and security firm, to trace and report on what was said by Transparency International to be over 3 billion US Dollars stashed abroad, by the former President Moi and his closest associates. [2]
Close to half of Kenya's 35 million citizens live under the UN's poverty level of 1 US dollar a day. If the restitution programme started in 2003 had been completed it would have been possible to get justice for the tens of millions of Kenyans who live in abject poverty - as the political elite live as Dollar Millionaires on the proceeds of corruption.
The leaked document, dated April 2004, is clearly self explanatory - being one of the preliminary reports received by the Government of Kenya (described in the report as the "client"). The persons stated as "Targets" are President Moi's closest associates and relatives.
Contemporaneous media coverage of the time reveals a determination by the Kibaki government to trace and seize the foreign assets of Moi's associates. [4] However at some point in May 2004, the Kibaki government itself suffered a credibility blow when several of the President's closest advisors were implicated in a 777 million US Dollar corruption scandal known as the Anglo Leasing scandal. The fallout of this scandal resulted in the gradual sidelining and eventual exile in the UK (in January 2005) of John Githongo after threats to his life. [5] The anti-corruption czar had lost the support of the Kenyan President. It was at this point that the Government dropped its international asset tracing and recovery efforts. It is believed it was at this point that the Kroll Report on Moi and his associates was suppressed.
On August 28th 2007, about 100 days before the forthcoming Presidential election, President Kibaki's re-election campaign received the formal endorsement of his predecessor, Daniel Moi. [6] Ex-President Moi's influence over Kibaki's regime is obvious and also evidenced by his recent appointment as a Personal Peace Envoy of Kibaki to the Sudan. [7]
None of the assets traced and identified by Kroll have been impounded and Moi and his associates are experiencing a resurgence in political clout. Among these assets are a bank in Belgium, hotels and residences in the USA, UK, South Africa, Namibia and as far away as Australia, a 10% shareholding in Kenya's most successful telecommunications company (a joint venture with Vodafone PLC of the UK) and massive real estate and agricultural investments.
The leak which emanated from within high levels of the Kenyan Government is motivated by the desire to demonstrate that President Kibaki has clear-cut evidence of his predecessor's corruption and complicity in corruption, and has chosen to suppress the evidence and worse still has gone into a political and economic alliance with the Moi group.
A second motivation is the sheer scale of the theft of public funds by Moi and his associates. The figures in the report run into (if added up) the billions of US Dollars - comparable in magnitude to the looting of other infamous kleptocrats such as Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Sani Abacha of Nigeria, Suharto of Indonesia and Alberto Fujimori of Peru.
The leaked material is extremely politically sensitive. Ex-President Moi, a corrupt, brutal, discredited former dictator, has somehow again become a key player in political life in Kenya - so much, that he is now an essential pillar in current President Kibaki's re-election campaign. His massive financial resources are expected to be used to buy Kibaki popular support particularly in the populous Rift Valley region, which voted almost to the man against Kibaki in the last election, and in November 2005 during a constitutional referendum. The leaker thinks the re-emergence of President Moi is scandalous and must be stopped.
The leak will certainly interest the Kenyan media, for whom this report represents a grail of sorts. Kenya's large international press corps will also be an interested audience. With a Presidential election only a few months away, the report comes to light at a critical time.
A bout the report.
The leaked report is 106 pages long and contains several sections: executive summary (1-10), source enquiries (11-54), business associates and front men (55-76), and appendix (77-106). [8] The executive summary outlines the most suspicious financial transactions, properties and business links discovered in its investigation. A series of additional enquiries is proposed. The following sections proceed in intricate detail, investigating the background, 'modus operandi', business links, financial transactions, business associates, and property holdings, all around the world, of several powerful members of Kenyan society linked to Daniel arap Moi.
The report is highly verifiable. Kroll UK, Transparency International, John Githongo, and marskenya, a Kenyan website that documents grand corruption incidents, are suggested for full or partial corroboration and the document appears consistent with the public record.
T he leaked report's author: Kroll Associates UK Limited.
Kroll Associates UK Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in England (registered number 2020412) whose registered office is at 10 Fleet Place, London, United Kingdom EC4M 7RB. Its father company Kroll Inc. , headquartered in New York, US is a private investigation and security consulting firm founded by Jules B. Kroll in 1972. It provides corporate risk consulting services including financial advisory and investigations, identity fraud solutions, background screening, forensic accounting, bodyguard services, corporate restructuring, and security technology services. The company is now a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies who aquired it in July 2004.
The US government and the weapons industry is a major permanent contractor of Kroll Inc. [9] .
Kroll Inc. was also responsible for security of the World Trade Center site until it was destroyed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
In October 2004, the Brazil offices of Kroll Inc. were raided by the police because of alleged spying activities on the government. The company was originally reported to have been hired by the Brazilian investment firm Opportunity to investigate Telecom Italia, with whom it has been battling to gain control of Brazil Telecom, one of Brazil's largest telephone companies. Other notable cases include the corporate restructuring of Enron after its 2001 accounting scandal, the law enforcement monitoring of Los Angeles Police Department in a US federal consent decree mandating major reforms designed to end corruption and abuse.
Kroll UK has also investigated other Kenyan corruption scandals, such as the so-called Anglo-Leasing Scandal. [10]
A ndrew Marshal.
Andrew R. Marshall is chief risk officer for Business Intelligence and Investigations. He joined Kroll in 2003 and has also been head of the Emerging Markets practice in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Mr. Marshall spent 15 years in international journalism. He was foreign editor, Washington Bureau chief and Brussels Bureau chief for The Independent newspaper between 1990 and 2000. He also worked on the foreign staff of the Financial Times and for Oxford Analytica.
He is the author, with Mathew Horsman, of After the Nation-State (HarperCollins, 1994) and has contributed to other books. He has widespread broadcasting and radio experience. [11]
His contact details are: +44 207 029 5162, amarshall@kroll.
S econdary media based on the leak and this analysis.
Mars Group Kenya , a Kenyan anti-corruption site, maintains a comprehensive page about the scandal.
The following lists are in reverse-chronological order (approximate):
NTV 2007-09-05: Kroll Report Was Presented to the Government in 2004 File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-09-04: Why Was Kroll Report Kept Secret? File | Torrent | Magnet CTV 2007-09-03: Wako Yet To Receive Kroll Report File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-09-03: Wako admits existence of Kroll Report File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-09-03: Kimunya Defends Govt On Kroll Dosier File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-09-01: British Government Blast Kenya Over Kroll Report File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-09-01: Fat cats of Africa: File | Torrent | Magnet NTV 2007-08-31: The Guardian Implicates Moi In Theft: File | Torrent | Magnético.
(Use username cypherpunks password cypherpunks for nationmedia)
A US$1.5 billion Charter House of horrors - 24 leaked documents and reports on the Charter House Bank (CHB) scandal Githongo_report. pdf - John Githongo's February 2006 report into Kenyan Corruption. newvision. co. ug/D/8/20/584125 - Good background from Uganda on the Aug 28 2007 sudden support of Moi for President Kibaki in the December 2007 Kenyan election. news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/business/3324369.stm - BBC report from Dec 2003 referring to the then ongoing Kroll investigation.
J oshua Kulei.
Joshua Kulei has represented ex-president Daniel Arap Moi in over 50 companies operating in Kenya across all sectors of the economy. (page 18)
He also used banks in Luxembourg for ex-president Moi's confidential banking (page 33)
According to the report, Kulei has now relinquished all of his assets held under his name on behalf of the Moi family with the exception of ex-president Moi's flower business, The Trans-National Bank and NAS. (page 18)
O wnership of businesses.
Trade World Kenya - 100% (page 19) CFC Bank 12.5% (page 19) CMC Holdings 15-20% (Client material Indicates Kulei also Nominee Director) (page 19) Hotel intercontinental Nairobi 19% (page 19) Sian Roses 40% (page 19) Ngata Flower Farm 50% (page 19) Bamburi Cement 14% (Client material Indicates Kulei also Nominee Director) (page 19) KTN (page 19) National Milling Company (page 19) Kenya Aerotech Ltd‚ Shareholder and also Nominee Director (page 19) Regent Management‚ Not Known (page 19) Siginon Freight‚ 12.5%, Kabarak High School and client material Indicates Kulei also Nominee Director (page 19)
S its on the Board of Governors for the following schools and universities.
Sacho High School (page 21) Moi High School Kabarak (page 21) Sunshine Secondary School (page 21) Moi Educational Centre (page 21) Kabarak University Council (page 21)
T rustee of.
Sunshine Educational Trust (page 21)
M anagement Board member in.
The Moi Africa Institute Kabarnet Gardens, Nairobi (page 21)
P roperties.
I n the UK.
19 Eaton Park, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2JF valued at around 4.5 million sterling pounds (page 22) Flat 11 No. 49, Lowdnes Square, London, valued at 2 million sterling pounds (page 22)
Courtyard Property Investment Ltd (page 22-23) Regent Management‚ real estate holdings believed to be about 200 houses in all (page 23) Lavington House (page 23) Karen Residence (page 23) Nakuru Residence (page 23) C. Owns several unidentified properties in the United States of America (page 23) D. Has property interests in South Africa (page 23)
B ank Balances (page 26)
B usiness Associates.
Terrer Kulei (page 26-27) Pankaj Somaia (page 27) Ketan Somaia (page 27) Josiah Kiplagat (page 27-28) Alnoor Kassam (page 28) Mr. Tum (page 28)
G ideon Moi.
O wnership of businesses.
Client Material indicates ownership of the following:
Giro Bank – Held under Asian nominee businessmen Taurino Enterprises As alleged by Msamaha KTN (Owned Standard Newspapers) - (page 19) Siginon Freight – 12.5% - (page 19) Trans-National Bank - (page 19) Kent ship Maritime (page 30) Sielei Properties Ltd (page 30) Giant Holdings Ltd (page 30) Revak Ltd (page 30) Sudbury Ltd (page 30) Sudbury Investments (page 30) Giant Forex Bureau (page 30) Westfield International Ltd (page 30) Chesco Ltd (page 30) Hampstead Enterprises (page 30) Metipso Services Ltd (page 30). Maternity Shop (page 30) Eagle Airlines (page 30) Chemusian Company (page 30) Fresh Produce Ltd (page 30) Siginon Freight – 12.5% (page 30) Cartrack Kenya Ltd (page 30) First American Bank (page 30) Equatorial Bank (page 30) The Sasine Group of farms (page 30) Cable Wireless (page 30) The Duty Free Company (page 31) Eveready Company (H. Young) (page 31) Tobacco Farm in Malawi – 100% (page 31) Chester House – 50 % (page 31) Safaricom Kenya (together with Biwott, Charles Field Marsham) – 40% (page 31)
Source Enquiries indicate that Gideon owns the following:
Property ownership—Owned in Italy and Sultanate of Brunei (page 55) Cut Tobacco Ltd (page 56) Bank Accounts—Sultanate of Brunei (page 56) Sandhurst Matrix Inc (page 56) Saphire—Managed by Mr. Sevak (page 56) Garlan Investments—Director — Dr. Clemente (page 56)
Preliminary results of global searches conducted under Garian investments and Sandhurst Matrix Inc have not revealed any findings. Further searches are required. (page 56)
P roperties.
I n the UK.
Allegedly has two properties in London held under a trust set up by Mukesh Gohil (page 31) In South Africa: Owns a number of properties in South Africa. His frontman is Harbinder Singh Sethi, has 74 properties listed under closed corporations all of which are registered in his name. (page 32)
United Kingdom: By the year 2002, Gideon’s cash in various banks overseas amounted to 550 million sterling pounds (page 32) Grand Cayman (page 32) Luxembourg (page 32-33) Dubai: Allen & Overy holds all of Gideon’s accounts (page 33) South Africa: Has accounts in South Africa and possibly Malawi. Gideon’s frontman is Harbinder Singh Sethi (page 33)
Eurobank: Currently under liquidation (page 34) Giro Bank: Allegedly owns Giro Bank under a front of Asian nominees (page 34) Trust Bank: Under Liquidation (page 35) Citibank – prime exit point for Gideon’s cash to his off-shore accounts (page 35) ABN AMRO - to move illegally obtained cash emanating from corrupt deals to safe havens in off-shore accounts (page 35) First American Bank: Client material suggests Naushad Merali and ex-president Moi control First American Bank (page 35) SAMUT Trust: All of Gideon’s monies invested in Kenya are held by a trust called SAMUT (page 35-36)
B usiness Associates.
Mukesh Gohil (page 37) Harbinder Singh Sethi (page 37) Joshua Orwa Ojode (page 37) Jared Kamgwana (page 37) Dr. Kiplagat (page 37-38) Donald Kipkorir (page 38)
N icholas Biwott.
O wnership of Businesses.
Kobil Petrol – 100% (page 39) Barsirim Investment – 100% (page 39) Kiosinende Farm – 100% (page 39) Rono Ltd. – 100% (page 40) HZ Consrtruction and Engineering – 100% (page 40) HZ Group of Companies – 100% (page 40) LZ Engineering – 100% (page 40) Yaya centre (worth Kshs. 3.5 billion) – 100% (page 40) Premier Group of Companies – 100% (page 40) Air Kenya Aviation – 100% (page 40) Pete Aviation and Electronics Ltd – 100% (page 40) Ziba Management and Services – 100% (page 40) HZ Group of Companies, Israel – 100% (page 40) Lima Kenya – 50% (page 40) Air Kenya – 50% (page 40) National Milling Corporation – shareholder (page 40) Safaricom Kenya (together with Gideon Moi, Charles Field Marsham) – 40% (page 40) Team Simoco (He is majority shareholder) (page 102)
Open research indicates ownership of:
Kenol-Kobil – Biwott controlled 17% of the private oil industry in Kenya (page 40) Petrol Stations in Uganda operated through Kenol-Kobil and worth Kshs. 7 billion (page 40) Wesmont – Independent power producer company owned by Biwott and Harbinder Sethi Singh (page 40) Grand Diani Reef Hotel (page 40-41) Regional Air (page 41) H. Young and Company (page 41) S. R Telecommunications Co. Ltd (page 41) First American Bank (page 41) Pan African Bank (no longer in operation) (page 41) Middle East Bank (page 41) Trans-National Bank (page 41) Government of Kenya (page 41)
Open research indicates law firms representing his interests are:
Shapely & Berret Advocates (page 41) Esmail & Esmail (page 41) Kapila & Kapila (page 41) De Gama Rose Advocates (page 41) Law firm established by daughter Rita Biwott (page 41)
P roperties.
Kenya: bought a house in Riverside Drive from the Irish embassy that was paid for offshore on an undisclosed date (page 42)
K enya.
Middle East Bank: Biwott purchased Middle East Bank using Akber Esmail as a nominee (pg42) Trade Bank: Biwott transferred his operations to Trade Bank, then owned by Alnoor Kassam. It’s also alleged that Trade bank was involved in export financing fraud to a #quantum of about Kshs. 700 million, that Trade Bank took over Yaya center from Kassam and that Solomon Muthamia, a forex dealer with the bank was entrusted with laundering the proceeds of Turkwell Gorge on behalf of Biwott and Moi. (page 42-45) Pan African Bank: Kobil banked with Pan African Bank.
S witzerland.
Credit Suisse and Citibank (page 46) Bank Cantonale Vaudoise: Significant amounts of money being moved from Bank Cantonale Vaudoise on behalf of Biwott (page 46-47)
Banque Belgolaise: Reported that Biwott and ex-president Moi are joint owners of Banque Belgolaise, 40% of which is owned by Biwott (page 47)
B usiness Associates.
Gad Zeevi (page 47-48) Akber Esmail (page 48-49) Naushad Merali (page 49-50) Horatius de Gama Rose (page 50) Mohammed Bawazir (page 50) Mohammed Aslam (page 51) Alnoor Kassam (page 51 -53) Charles Field-Marsham (page 53) Joseph Schwartzman (page 53-54) Ben Sassoon (page 54) Danny Vardi (page 54) David Bartknowski (page 54) Biwott was involved in the siphoning of funds from th proceeds of Turkwell Gorge Hydro - Electric Dam Project (page 108)
P hilip Moi.
It is understood that Philip has an estimated wealth of approximately $ 770 million and controls more hidden cash than Gideon, even though significant attention has been directed at the latter. (page 55).
B usiness links.
Gateway Properties Inc—1992 documentary evidence (page 55) Paradise Holdings (page 55) Sheraton Holdings (page 55) Hahuru Investors (page 55) General Commodity Dealers (page 55) Kiharu Investors (page 55) Concord Holdings—Connected to Goldenberg (page 55) Panafcon Engineering (page 55) Tiger Farm Limited (page 55) Ecta Kenya Limited (page 55)
He operates accounts in London’s Branch of HSBC and Standard Chartered Plc.
B arclays Bank (page 57)
The details of the account Philip Moi holds at Barclays bank are as follows:
As this information dates back ten years ago, it is possibly connected to Goldenberg.
C redit Suisse Zurich, Switzerland. (page 57)
Rosanna Moi indicated that in October 2002, Philip Moi lost US Dollrs 15 million to an Italian family on a deal that failed to deliver. This money was paid to his family through Philip’s Sandhurst Matrix Inc account held at Credit Suisse, Zurich.
S ultanate of Brunei (page 57)
Philip is a close friend of Prince Hamid of Brunei. Moi’s family has invested heavily through Prince Hamid. The precise details of Philip’s investments through these investments are not known. Philip’s wife was planning to spend a vacation of Christmas 2003 in Brunei with their children.
B usiness Associates.
Zara/Rosanna Moi (page 57) Dr. Clemente (page 58) Akasha Family (page 59) Muzahim (page 59)
K TM report country index.
What follows is a list of countries (excluding Kenya) involved in the holdings, transactions and other links of Moi's associates, as detailed in the original leaked report, KTM_report. pdf.
A ustralia.
Target 3's wife lived in Australia (page 15) Biwott's investment with commercial interests in Australia (page 39) Biwott / Ownership of a 10.000 hectare ranch (page 40) Mukesh Gohil / Directorship of two companies (page 65) Mukesh Gohil / Shantilal Brother (Australia) Pty Ltd (page 85) Mukesh Gohil / South Austral Pty Ltd (page 86)
Biwott / Moi (joint?) ownership of Banque Belolaise (page 47) Team Simoco / Simens International / Siemens Atea, the Belgian branch (page 104)
Philip is a close friend of Prince Hamid of Brunei (page 57) Moi's family has invested heavily through Prince Hamid (page 57) Philip's wife and children were planning to spend Christmas 2003 vacation in Brunei (page 57)
Charles Field-Marshal / Biwott's son in law, manager Yaya Center / canadian citizenship and present residence (page 53)
Saimon Roadrekearek of Allen & Overy (page 33) Gideon telephone call to Mukesh (page 36)
Public sector related fraud / Generators from Finland (page 110)
$200 million laundered via Frankfurt (page 8) Solomon Muthamia / Biwott's funds channelled to bank accounts in Germany (page 45) PAB / Aslam / Biwott's money recycles through unidentified German bank (page 46) Team Simoco / Siemens International / Siemens Group (page 104) Proceeds of Turkwell Gorge Hydro-Electric Dam Project / Unidentified banks (page 108)
G rand Cayman.
Gideon / Ken Boit (page 32)
Biwott's investment with commercial interests (page 39) Zeevi's present residence / under investigation (page 48) Danny Vardi / Israeli national, former Israeli Defence Force, an advidor to the Israeli government of natural gaz projects (page 54) David Bartknowski / Israeli national, Gad Zeevi's former CFO (page 54)
Philip Moi / property ownership (page 55) Zara/Rosanna Moi / Philip's Italian wife / numerous bank operations (page 57) Zara/Rosanna Moi travelled from Italy to Leichtenstein and Switzerland (page 57) Zara/Rosanna Moi is relatively unknown, so Philip prefers to use her as his 'Italian connection' (page 58) Philip refuses to visit Italy, uses Dr. Cliemente to recover money (page 58) Mrs Moi was visiting Italy to meet Dr. Cliemente to discuss money (page 58) Philip provided cover to Italian families dealing with drugs in Malindi (page 59)
Naushad Merali / contract secured to supply Daihatsu 4x4s to government parastatals (page 49)
Millions held (page 8)
L eichtenstein.
Zara/Rosanna Moi made visits to Leichtenstein (page 57)
Muzahim / Philip / counterfeiting (page 59)
L uxembourg.
Kulei / Moi / Gideon / CitiCorp / CitiBank / UBP (page 33)
Tobacco farm owned by Gideon (page 31) Gideon's meeting with Habinder Singh Sethi (page 37)
President Sam Nujoma (page 13) Meeting with President Nujoma (page 29)
N etherlands.
Team Simoco / Background / Philips Electronics N. V. (page 102)
P uerto Rico.
Moi / Biwott / Zeevi's investment in oil refineries (page 48)
Zeevi / Chernoy corrupt dealings.
Muzahim / Philip / counterfeiting (page 59)
S outh Africa.
74 closed corporations under the name of Harbinder Singh Sethi (page 10) Gideon (page 13) Kulei has property interests (page 23) 74 closed corporations under the name of Harbinder Singh Sethi (page 32) Gideon / Harbinder Singh Sethi (page 33) Sethi holds many of Gideon's assets, a ranch (page 37) Sethi flew the Moi's carrying cases of dollars (page 37) Gideon / Kiplagat / sale of $650,000 Durban-based residential property (page 38) Harbinder Singh Sethi / resident in Sandton, Johannesburg (page 65) Harbinder Singh Sethi / property (pages 66-67) Sethi / 'member' of 74 closed corporations (pages 68-71)
Muzahim / Philip / counterfeiting (page 59)
S witzerland.
$200 million laundered via UBP. (page 8) Geneva launder Gabriel Moussa Katri (page 8) $100-$500 million laundered via UBP (page 8) Transfer orchestrated by Mukesh Gohil (page 8) Credit Swiss / Sandhurt Matrix / Dr Clemente / Garian Investments (page 9) Gabriel Moussa Katri's $200 million launder / UBP (page 24, 25) PAB / Aslam / Biwott's money recycles through unidentified Swiss bank (page 46) Zeevi and Biwott's accounts Credit Suisse in Geneva and Citiban in Zurich (page 46) Zeevi / $12 million credit from Credit Suisse (page 46) Biwott / significant amount of money moved from Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (page 46) Philip Moi / lost US$15 million process paid through account held at Credit Suisse, Zurich (page 57) Zara/Rosanna Moi visited Lugano in Ticino, a remote area but with over 100 banks (page 57) 'Not surprising' that Zara should visit Lugano, since major international drug barons favor this destination (page 58) Gabriel Moussa Katri / Banque Patrimoines Prives Geneve BPG SA (pages 89-90) Gabriel Moussa Katri / Discount Bank and Trust Company "The Recanati Bank" (pages 90-91) Gabriel Moussa Katri / Union Bancaire Privee (pages 91-92) Gabriel Moussa Katri / Banque Privee de Rothschild S. A. (pages 92-93)
Ownership of petrol stations operated through Kenol-Kobil (page 40) Biwott expelled in 1972 (page 48) Damani Harshad / Article in 'The Monitor' / Ugandan individual (page 79)
U nited Kingdom.
Mukesh Gohil / Citibank (page 9) HSBC / Standard Chartered PLC / Barclays (page 10, 56) 6.5 million pounds laundered into Surrey and Knightsbridge (page 10) Sovereign Group Ltd / Sovereign holdings (page 11) Hotels in London (page 13) Kulei and Moi properties in Surrey (page 22) Broadlands Overseas S. A (page 22) Lowdnes Square London (page 22) Kulei stock brokers (page 27) Gideon / Mukesh Gohil properties in London (page 31) 550 million pounds laundered via Citibank (page 32) Mukesh / Gideon holdings in London (page 32) Chales Field-Marsham / code-sharing arrangement with British Airways (page 41) Rayner / resident in the UK (page 44) Solomon Muthamia / Biwott's funds channelled to bank accounts in UK (page 45) Field Marsham / work in an international investment bank in London (page 53) Philip Moi / issue cheques for the purchase of equipment for manufacturing cooking fat (page 56) Philip Moi / used HSBC account to buy equipment for Cut Tobacco Ltd. (page 56) Philip Moi / signed ₤500000 Barclays Bank cheques for and behalf of Gateway Properties Inc (page 56) Mukesh Gohil / Properties in Middlesex, Bedfordshire and Leicestershire (pages 61-64) Mukesh Gohil / Directorship of 3 companies (pages 64-65) Sethi / former directorships of 3 companies (page 67) Naushad Noorali Merali / Directorships in 2 companies (page 73) Merali / Holdings in several companies (pages 73-74) Rohit Pattni / Two properties in Middlesex and Surrey (pages 75-76) Rohit Pattni / Director of 6 companies (pages 76-78) Vaju Pattni / KP's brother is in London, travels to Birmingham, Manchester (page 79) Vaju Pattni / Property in Sudbury US$1m (page 79) Damani Harshad / Located in Hertfordshire (page 79) Damani Harshad / Director of company (page 80) Hema Damani / Director of company (page 80) Vaju Pattni / Property searches (pages 80-81) Mukesh Gohil / Armada Services Ltd (page 84) Mukesh Gohil / Technology 4 All Ltd (page 84) Mukesh Gohil / Aandatta Ltd (page 85) Harbinder Sethi / BasicStone Ltd (pages 86-87) Harbinder Sethi / Canray Ltd (pages 87-88) Harbinder Sethi / Hollywood Electronics Ltd (pages 88-89) Naushad Merali / W. P.H Kenya Tea Ltd (page 94) Naushad Merali / Overseas International Telecommunications Ltd (pages 94-95) Akber Esmail / Steel Brothers and Company (pages 95-97) Horatius da Gama Rose / Symphony Global Technologies Plc (page 97) Rohit Pattni / Octogen Ltd (pages 97-98) Rohit Pattni / Riverton Securities Ltd (page 98) Rohit Pattni / Deonberry Finance Ltd (pages 98-99) Rohit Pattni / Ashym Properties Ltd (pages 99-100) Rohit Pattni / L Thomas & Company Ltd (page 100) Rohit Pattni / Fairoak Investments Ltd (pages 100-101) Team Simoco / Corporate records listing (pages 103-104) Team Simoco / Team Communications / Company listings (page 104) Proceeds of Turkwell Gorge Hydro-Electric Dam Project / Unidentified banks (page 108)
U nited States.
Properties held (page 11) Kulei / Terer Kulei owns several properties in NY (page 23, 26) Alnoor Kassam / Zeevi agreement of sale of Trade Bank in NY (page 51) Field Marsham / work in an international investment bank in NY (page 53)
Muzahim / Philip / counterfeiting (page 59)
I ndex of names, company names and properties.
N otes & Referências.
↑ Githongo's courageous whistleblowing actions have been the subject of much international media attention. See, for instance, John Githongo's page on this wiki, and a profile in the New Statesman from February 2006, available at newstatesman/200602060018. ↑ See, for instance, 'State Changes Tune on Looted Billions Abroad', globalpolicy/nations/launder/regions/2005/0519tune. htm, May 19, 2005, written as the investigation was wound down by the Kenyan government. Kroll also played a role in the investigations of the Anglo Leasing investigations, see e. g.'Githongo secret diary', allafrica/stories/200601240569.html. ↑ See warmafrica/index/geo/9/cat/1/a/a/artid/135 ↑ See, e. g., in Time Magazine's article on Githongo, time/time/magazine/article/0,9171,901060306-1167713-1,00.html: 'Githongo's crusade started at a time of great hope. In 2002, Mwai Kibaki, head of the National Rainbow Coalition, won the presidency, promising an end to corruption as "a way of life."' ↑ See, e. g., 'Kenya's anti-graft czar resigns', news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/africa/4243619.stm, and 'Kenya graft fighter 'threatened , news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/africa/4249679.stm. ↑ 'Kenya: What Moi-Kibaki Alliance Means', allafrica/stories/200708281270.html. ↑ 'Kenya: Kibaki Appoints Moi Peace Envoy', allafrica/stories/200707250755.html. ↑ The table of contents is not easy to follow and does not make this clear, but there are 'sectioning' pages. It is a 'consolidated report', perhaps consolidating smaller reports. There are duplicate sections for some individuals investigated. The table of contents refers to an 'Introduction' section, which apparently has been redacted. ↑ see, e. g. motherjones/news/feature/1998/03/private_eye. html ↑ As documented by Githongo himself: see 'Githongo secret diary', allafrica/stories/200601240569.html. ↑kroll/services/ifai/professionals/marshall/ ↑ See, e. g., en. wikipedia/wiki/Goldenberg_scandal#Travel_restrictions and news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/africa/4711546.stm. ↑ See, e. g., en. wikipedia/wiki/Gideon_Moi. ↑ See, e. g., en. wikipedia/wiki/Nicholas_Biwott and allafrica/stories/200503020867.html. Know something about this material? Have your say!(see other comments first)
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Thread: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
Jay there are some links posted here Investing with an Eye on Fraud Prevention take some time reading through it.
That's terribly simple to do, money mangers looking for investors do it all the time, and money seeks qualified and not so qualified traders like moths to the flame.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
(2) The participant receives the right to sell a product (or service);
(3) The participant receives compensation for recruiting others into the program;
(4) The compensation is unrelated to the sale of products (or services) to the ultimate user.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Founder/President Eagle Research Associates.
Author: "Robbing You With A Keyboard Instead Of A Gun - Cyber Crime How They Do It" available in soft cover and eBook at Amazon.
Lifetime Member of the National Association of Distinguished Professionals.
Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
I say the above since Christopher Terry is one of the speakers at the MoneyShow: SPEAKER - Terry, Christopher. These are great to attend with any number of "free" seminars, of course free is mostly a sales pitch for the vendor's wares. I can't remember a single time hearing a speaker claim "my system is so poor you would be better off putting your money in a tin can", they all seem to be able to beat the market in 15 minutes per day. Somebodies got to be lying, or no one would bother showing up for the 2018 events.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
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Re: Christopher Terry, "Expert trader" who has supposedly made over $85 million in FOREX and Futures.
Now I've been to a recent webinar and can say he's probably not worth 80 mill as he lives in a 1 bedroom apartment with cliche Ikea paintings.
Niederhoffer Investments returned 35% a year from inception through 1996, when MAR ranked it the No. 1 hedge fund manager in the world. In 1997 (the eighth[7] largest point decline to date in index history), forced Niederhoffer Investments to close its doors.
However, Niederhoffer's funds were caught up in the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis, and the Matador Fund was closed in September 2007 after a decline in value of more than seventy-five percent.
I'm sure in some way hes misleading people on the signal to inflate the currency and cash out for himself.
He mainly pushed people on recruitment saying day trading will be hard without a team "recruit, trade, get rich!.
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